Monday 21 February 2011

Bus Stop Theory

We all know this theory, stand and wait for the bus to come.  Your waiting waiting waiting and think "I should have a smoke before the bus gets here"  You finally make the decision to do it and get out your favorite flavor and a lighter and proceed to light it, this is when you look up and see the bus coming.  Happens almost without fail.  By this same token I have been waiting for the chance to go to Calgary and expand my business there.  I waited all summer and fall.  Finally I got a contract this winter to allow me enough money to get to Calgary and pay for the complete set up of my business.  I do the budget on what it will cost me to get everything ready in Calgary and even made the contacts to get some work going when I am up and running and what happens?  A Major Contract lands in my lap that could potentially open the doors to many new and exiting avenues for my company and now Calgary is on hold.  Tell me this is not the same principal.

I'll have to look deeper but I believe this technique should be used as a tool in business.

So now I have to redo my finances to make sure that this new venture goes off with out a hitch.  Not the money I really desire but the name placement this will bring ......lets just say you cant buy that kind of advertisement.  And the way I see it I am getting paid to advertise my company with the biggest names in the business.  My companies name gets out there and some one else foots the bill.  I think this is more then worth the reduction in our normal price.

I have 3 private files on the side that I am doing for friends at the moment but our time is coming when all this may be to much for one person I may need to bring on others soon.